Philippine Amateur Radio Association Inc. (PARA / DX1PAR)

Philippine Amateur Radio Association Inc. (PARA / DX1PAR)

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About PARA

The Philippine Amateur Radio Association Inc. (PARA) is a national non-profit organization for amateur radio enthusiasts in the Philippines. Key membership benefits of PARA include the sponsorship of amateur radio operating awards and radio contests, and a QSL bureau for those members who regularly communicate with amateur radio operators in other countries. PARA represents the interests of Filipino Amateur Radio Operators/Enthusiast before the national and international telecommunications regulatory authorities. PARA is the national member society representing the Philippines in the International Amateur Radio Union.

PARA is the recognized national umbrella association for the amateur radio service in the Philippines.

As a people's organization, the spirit of voluntarism is its guding spirit. In order to pursue their collective interests and aspirations, it has identified its leadership, membership and structure as is appropriate to various tasks, activites, events and other contingencies.

Management team- The leadership structure of the organization has evolved over the years. The membership has chosen to entrust the day to day activities to a management team who have comitteed to serve the group for three (3) years. It is the members themselves who choose the members of the management team through an election which the members themselves conduct. The membership has decided on a structure that has the following: Chief Operating Officer, Vice-Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Secretary General, a District Manager for each of the amateur radio district.

PARA net controllers- The membership has formed a group of volunteer net controllers who conduct the regular net at least twice a day. This is a the National Traffic System. As of this writing, there are three daily nets on forty meters (7.095 MHz) which are held at 7am (2300z), 5pm (900z), and 7pm (1100z).

Ham Emergency Radio Operations H.E.R.O.- is the acronym for this activity. It is embedded in the National Traffic System. Volunteers come together during emergencies, disasters and calamities. They volunteer and provide communications during these critical times. Typically, the Chief Operating Officer, the head of the national traffic system and the concerned District Managers oversee the activities of HERO.

Ham radio orientation seminar. This activity is conducted by duly accredited amateur radio clubs. Some clubs conduct this activity regularly (say, once a month) while others do so upon request.

Anniversary. Typically, the management team requests individuals and radio clubs to assist in organizing and executing this activity.

Summer convention. Typically, a radio club signifies its intent to host the summer convention. The management team is entrusted with the task of screening the proposals submitted.

In closing, we share some historical background on the word amateur as it is used in the context of amateur radio. The word amateur can trace its root from the Italian word 'amatore' or love. Amateurs work for the love of the hobby and do not receive any monetary compensation for their tasks. Love is free.