News & Events

PARA Ham Emergency Radio Operation
Simulated Emergency Test (PARA HERO SET)
PARA Ham Emergency Radio Operation
Simulated Emergency Test (PARA HERO SET)

On June 22, 2016 the 2nd MMDA ShakeDrill and the Q2 Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill are scheduled to happen.
In order to flex our capabilities and take full advantage of our assets and learned skills, we will conduct our own field day activity on that day. We have successfully done this last year during the 1st ShakeDrill. Local clubs may participate in the two (2) activities cited above, and hence they may be embedded in the RETT, ICS, LGU or whatever official structure’s activity, but they will still be required to check into our official ham radio activity.
Here are the details:
- Each club may set-up field station/s with VHF/UHF and/or HF capabilities. The field station may be located in a high ground that will afford operational advantages or wherever they think they will be needed when an actual emergency happens.
- If the club is participating in the MMDA ShakeDrill and Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill, it will follow the HERO protocols by checking into the designated HERO frequencies on VHF (144.740MHz) and HF (7.095MHz) every 30 minutes and inform the HERO Net on the following:
a. Local weather conditions
b. Changes and updates in operating conditions including operators
c. Description of activities reported by club members based on first person accounts.
d. Presence of other personalities and organizations in the vicinity
e. Instructions from the ICS/RETT/LGU/Served Agency, if any.
- Stations shall check into the HERO network by registering its operators, its Grid Locator or the particular quadrant they are located in Metro Manila or which city/municipality outside it and register its operators when the PARA HERO SET Net Control Station starts the Net at 0000UTC.
- The activity shall start at 0000UTC and ends at 0500UTC.
- Clubs should also replicate the exercise by maintaining operations on their calling frequencies. Ensure that no transmission of exercise simulations of damage and injury are broadcasted on the air. See Paragraph 2.
- The following assumptions are given:
a) In view of area-wide damage, power and communications will be out.
b) Repeaters will be out of commission, so simplex transmission only on VHF/UHF band.
c) The use of emergency source to power radio equipment are encouraged.
- All participating clubs shall submit its after-operations report within ten (10) days from the PARA HERO SET or on July 2, 2016 by email to All reports shall be collated and submitted to the National Telecommunications Commission.